ProVo Consulting Inc

& Vocational Services

An experienced team of professionals for your consulting and vocational needs.

During this time of physical distancing there are virtual settings available and can be utilized. In addition, telephone interviews can be completed in order to obtain appropriate information for completion of TSA’s. Standard practices across North America and approved in many industries are virtual environments where clients can participate in these assessments.



Transferable Skills Assessment (TSA)

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide an assessment of an individual’s education, training, experience and interests to determine alternate suitable return to work options. This is an assessment of a skill set and aptitudes associated with that skill set from the bank of occupations within an individual’s work history that can assist in determining alternative career clusters, identified through The National Occupational Classification (NOC) and are consistent with the individual’s functional abilities.

Vocational Assessment (VA)

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide a vocational assessment that evaluates and identifies suitable and realistic occupational career clusters (NOC) through a standardized testing process. A vocational assessment can incorporate (but not limited to) medical, vocational, educational, and ​salary/wage information. This tool assesses an individual’s interests, aptitudes and academic achievement and takes into consideration an individual’s functional abilities, transferable skills, education, work history and pre-injury earnings when identifying realistic and suitable occupational career clusters.

Psycho-Vocational Assessment

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide standardized psychometric tests to assess an individual’s academic achievement, aptitude, cognitive and intellectual abilities. The premise is to determine an individual’s academic strengths and weaknesses to identify the potential of retraining to reduce or eliminate future wage loss. It evaluates an individual’s learning competencies, intelligence quotient (IQ) and motivation to identify an individual’s ability to participate in training and eventual return to work. This could include academic upgrading for the purposes of obtaining a secondary school education (high school diploma) or post-secondary education (certificate, diploma or degree) or other training program. This includes a Registered Psychologist’s assessment through the Weschler Adult Intelligent Scale (WAIS IV) and report plus VA above.

Psychological counselling

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide private one on one counselling services with a professional counsellor. We have Registered Psychologists in the St. John’s and Trinity Conception areas.

Supported Job Search

ProVo Consulting Inc. can develop (through personalized support) an individual’s resume, cover letter and provide a mock interview. Number of sessions can be pre-determined. We provide assistance in searching for employment, navigating through pertinent websites and the hidden job market.

Disability Case Management

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide disability case management services. This specialty in the healthcare industry focuses on assessing disabled or injured individuals in order to address their needs. Case management is a team focused approach that brings together all disciplines to address those needs with a goal of developing a return to work plan. Primarily facilitating communication between stakeholders, assessing and reviewing disabled or injured individuals needs with their primary health care providers and discussing progress with return to work goals.

Vocational Screening

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide this tool without a specific TSA or VA however entails an overview of an individual’s vocational profile with respect to work history, education and potential career clusters. Intended to be used early in claim process and may be better utilised for MVA Section “A” files or LTD files.

Career Cruising software

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide this tool to assist in the identification of an individual’s vocational interests. We sit with individuals to explain the computer-based program that ask a series of questions regarding the individuals work interests. Answers to these questions generate a list of occupations that incorporates the answers provided on their “likes” and “dislikes” of work processes and environments. The list of occupations can then be researched within this software to provide more specific information on the occupations.

Occupational Therapy - Home Assessments

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide home assessments – one of our Occupational Therapists will visit a residence of an injured or disabled individual and make recommendations for any equipment that would help an individual achieve more independence, for example an adjustment to the height of furniture, bathroom shower grab bars, raised toilet seat or wheelchair ramping. The home assessment will involve everyday activities.

Occupational Therapy - Ergonomic Assessments

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide an objective study by one of our Occupational Therapists to help identify the ergonomic risks such as repetitive tasks that can cause strains, improper work area setup, and improper use of tools, which can result in the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders or repetitive strain injuries.

French Translation

ProVo Consulting Inc. can provide French translation to medical and/or legal documents.


Mike Summers holds a Bachelor of Science, Psychology degree. He is a member in good standing with The Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada (VRA) as well as The College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals (CVRP) holding the designations RRP and CVRP and currently serves as President on VRA’s Atlantic Society and on the Board of Directors with VRA national. His professional background includes working with several employers in the past such as crown corporations (WorkplaceNL formerly known as Worker’s Compensation Commission and Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission), a large international insurance company and private companies with over 28 years experience collectively. He has extensive experience completing transferable skills assessments and vocational assessments for the past 18 years as well as disability case management, working with injured individuals through workplace accidents, motor vehicle accidents (Section A and B) or LTD policyholders and insureds.


ProVo Consulting Inc.
69 Karwood Drive
Paradise, NL
Ph 709 691 8575
Fax 709 747 1640